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J.Riddle 10:31 Sun Jun 5
Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Shocking! Difficult to make a judgement without all the facts, he had a screwdriver and was shouting?


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Lee Trundle 5:12 Tue Jun 21
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Could SPARK a few riots?

Jaan Kenbrovin 5:06 Tue Jun 21
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Flaming lunatic

tonka 4:29 Tue Jun 21
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Wasn't carrying a screwdriver. Apparently, it was a plastic and metal firelighter.

arsegrapes 1:09 Wed Jun 8
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
At the Goldstone Ground late 70s the coppers made everyone remove their laces from their DMs. On leaving a loan copper on horseback was galloping back and forth swinging a truncheon cracking heads for no reason. A few tried to pull him off but he had form and was undeterred.

A mate in the 80s used to deal a little in wacky backy, told me he was waiting on Brixton high street to meet up with our other mate. Coppers chased them both and he threw the stash where he knew they wouldn't find it covered in FOIL. He was nicked and taken down the station charged whereupon they said they saw him throw his stash and produced/planted some wacky backy on him covered in CLING FILM.

Noah 11:06 Wed Jun 8
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
OB will find it hard to put a posiDRIVE spin on this

Fifth Column 9:17 Wed Jun 8
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead

Was that Oldham incident early 90s? I remember police walking their horses into our mob who were queueing outside a train station. Might have been Barnsley. I'm not sure. Just remember it was early 90s and there was absolutely no reason for it.

Having said that, most experiences I've had with Police at football over 40 years havent been bad. So that one experience in the early 90s doesn't make me think they're all like that

gph 2:54 Wed Jun 8
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Negative experiences of coppers: twice being part of a West Ham crowd doing nothing wrong, while mounted coppers started intimidating them by making their horses push them against a wall/fence. Crowd included women and kids. (Oldham and Man City away. No Oldham fans present/bit of friendly banter with Man City fans before it happened).

Getting nicked for D and D (when I was only D), the cannabis held by one of my mates disappeared. Probably smoked by the coppers (bit Boris this - not obeying the laws they impose on others)

Positive experience: they nicked the barmen who attacked me and mate with knuckledusters when we tried to sneak an extra five minutes drinking-up time by retreating to the back of the large beer garden. Barmen claimed they thought we were going to rob the joint.

But it's only weakly positive, as they let the barmen go after a night in the cells - my guess is that the pub owner paid them off, despite the fact that I spent hours in A+E.

When I got targetted for a mugging, fought the mugger off and gave him a bit of a beating, the Police didn't arrest me for that, although they warned me that they could. I possibly went a bit OTT because I lost my rag.

Again, not really a strong positive.

So, the negative outweighs the positive for me

arsegrapes 10:27 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
It wasn't two white coppers so nothing to see here.

fraser 9:29 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
MiM - of course not once there they had to disarm him, I still think it was excessive. You won't convince me otherwise.But my point was I bet there are loads of incidents of people losing their shit, police don't get there, nothing happens, nobody hears about it.

I just think reading shit like he may have had a suicide vest on etc and good job he died is way over the top and cuntish.
But thankfully even though it seems we won't agree we can disagree without being cunty.

Cheers you cunt :-)

mashed in maryland 9:20 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Lets put it this way if a bloke was seen walking round central London obviously unstable with no shirt on brandishing a screwdriver, and even if absolutely nothing happened, and the police didn't respond, we'd all be asking why the fuck they didn't

mashed in maryland 9:15 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
"Not that unusual for someone to be carrying on like that.. People lose their shit all the time and most of the time they don't go and hurt someone"

Is that really a risk to take?

As I've said I'd happily admit I'm often over critical of plod, but they played this one as well as any human being could. Would it have gone any different if they did anything different? That's unknowable.

Also, on this occasion, he did hurt someone: himself

WHU(Exeter) 8:43 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Yes, if you have a negative opinion of the police it must be because;

a) you are "trying to appear hard" or

b) have some kind of leftie agenda

c) have something to hide

You are not allowed

d) a subjective opinion of them over many years after all of your experiences if it's negative, unless you supply the minute details and accompanying evidence as to why you have formed that opinion.

Although you can for pretty much every other publically funded organisation.


fraser 8:24 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
MiM - Yeah possibly I suppose I would.

But I bet stuff happens like this all the time he was ranting from what I've seen and brandishing a screwdriver.. Not that unusual for someone to be carrying on like that.. People lose their shit all the time and most of the time they don't go and hurt someone.

The fact that the police got there and he hadn't attempted to hurt anyone makes it highly unlikely that was his intention.

I reckon it was statistically more likely that nothing would have happened if the police weren't called

Just because there has been three horrific terrorist acts on bridges doesn't make it likely every incident on one would lead to carnage.

Fifth again I disagree, as soon as he had the option to run he did, a bit of distance he legged it..

mashed in maryland 7:35 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead

If the bloke did "get away" and attack someone else, would you be cunting plod off for not tasering him again when they had the chance? Cos I sure as shit would be

Fifth Column 7:07 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead

At no point did he try to 'get away' though did he?

And yes I agree he's swinging at the copper because the copper is coming towards him in order to cuff him. He's been told repeatedly to stay on the floor. He's a big fucker. If the bloke rushes the copper then what happens if the copper is the one pushed off the bridge? You make a dynamic risk assessment as a police officer arriving at the scene based on what's come in on the radio and what you see when you arrive.

They can't let the bloke run off in case he attacks someone else (he starts by lunging at the copper with a screwdriver so they have to assume that he is a threat to the public).

If they try to physically restrain him he is more likely to be injured (this is a fact - Taser has an incredibly low rate of injuries).

They've repeatedly told him to stay on the ground. If he stays on the ground and doesn't continue to resist being cuffed then he doesn't get Tasered again.

With only two of them there, they made the right decision and handled this correctly in my opinion and experience.

If you have 4 or 5 of them there so you can safely take him down after he drops the screwdriver then I may think that the Taser was unnecessary. But there appear to only be two cops there.

Manuel 6:48 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Mmmm, was hardly my main point was it, ffs. But yea I know what you mean. Life's a cunt and then you die without seeing WHU win fuck all :-)

fraser 6:44 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Manuel - again a lot of assumptions you make.. Idyllic life, ha if only you knew..

Manuel 6:34 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
fraser - Just a bit of an immature, cliched line to say the police are all cunts. Good for you that you have never needed them, probably the same with the majority, but if evil ever turns up on your doorstep believe me they will be the first people you and your missus will turn, even if I don't know anything about you.

fraser 6:29 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
I reckon when you're trying to get up after that must be like when you're pissed, staggering all over the place..

Impossible to know for certain, the first time they were much closer, when he got up and there was a bit of distance he bolted, pretty impressive after those zaps to be fair.

Vexed 6:26 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
"I even got burgled three times and didn't call them"

Ha, what a chump!

fraser 6:24 Tue Jun 7
Re: Chelsea Bridge Man armed with screwdriver tasered dead
Fifth - I see that completely differently to you.. I see him trying to get up.. The copper coming closer and swinging his arm to keep him away rather than trying to get up and attack him.. It isn't a swing at him more a defensive fending off.. He was trying to get up and was probably expecting to be fried again.

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